Friday, September 19, 2008

Political Ad Season

It's crunch time in the 2008 elections and the campaigns (and PACs) can be expected to blanket the airwaves with ads from now on. There's a lot of talk about positive ads and negative ads and the efficacy of each. Here we take a look at one from each group:

A McCain/Palin ad produced by the McCain campaign-

And an Anti-Palin ad by a wildlife conservation group-

Interesting times ahead.


Kanani said...

Palin is so easy to attack. It's a good thing that Obama's campaign takes the higher road -- most of the time.

Kanani said...

@ Charlie Daniels

If you think that owning a gun makes you man, maybe you should subscribe to the overwhelming amount of penis enlarging junk mail i get. Give me your email address, and I'd be glad to forward you them.

Clinging to your gun and religion before all logic and thought is ridiculous. Those are the people ruining our country.

Kevin said...

Though I respect Charlie Daniels as the great political wit of our time, I must admit that I get my political savvy more from Chuck Norris and Mr. T, and to a lesser extent the Incredible Hulk.

Though come to think of it, I would never cast a vote in opposition to the man who sang such classics as "Uneasy Rider" and "Long Haired Country Boy." You've convinced me Charlie Daniels, McCain it is!