Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Christopher Buckley Crucified

Not surprisingly there is no room for divergence of opinion at the National Review:

Christopher Buckley has resigned from the magazine his father founded.

Soon all that will be left of the Republican party is Alan Keyes and Larry the Cable Guy.


Kanani said...

Buckley is seriously a huge man. Many of us would not voice our true political beliefs if our jobs were in jeopardy. He chose that his vocal support of Obama was more important than his career at National Review.

I'm glad. I hate that magazine and probably most of it's subscribers anyways.

LOL@ Alan Keys. That boot-licking uncle tom sambo fool. "uhh...how is we's today boss" (aka republican party)? Wasn't it funny how they sent him to Chicago to run against Obama towards the end? haha! His infinite wisdom, "Jesus Christ would not vote for Barack Obama". After all, Jesus was a republican. You can tell by how he fed the thousands... oh wait...that was socialistic by nature. Okay, or how he said to "not build treasures on earth. Oh wait...that's communist. Well, he did say to forgive our debtors and give to everyone that begs from us. Damn, again, socialist.

Kevin said...

Alan Keyes is a dreadful, hate-filled man. I've never seen anyone with so much self-loathing. In other words he is the very embodiment of the Republican Party in 2008. He's got quite an ego though, and it'll please him immensely to know his name was spoken here this day.