Friday, August 29, 2008

And the Republican VP Nominee is...

...Gov. Sarah Palin, (R-Alaska). I didn't get to my computer early enough this morning to 'leak' the information to the general public. But, after care consideration and after watching countless news reports and using the process of elimination, Gov. Palin was my choice for McCain.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A 'Mile High' Stone!

Obama gave a compelling acceptance speech tonight in Denver, CO at Invesco field. Barack Obama spoke tonight on the 45th anniversary of the speech that Martin Luther King, Jr. gave in Washington, DC. The “I Have a Dream” speech is what sparked the Civil Rights movement.

But as we know, this presidential race transcends race, gender, and ethnicity. This, as the Democrats have repeatedly said, is about ‘change’: A change from the old to the new; the changing of the guard.

Overall, the speech Obama gave this evening was one of hope and he spelled out the specifics of change that has been mentioned the past 19 months while on the campaign trail. This speech tonight is what will put him, now, as a true contender for the Presidency.
"Si se puede!"

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Choice is Clear!

Tonight, the Democrats have hailed and talked tonight about change and about leading this country to a 'new day' and a country of 'change.' President Bill Clinton gave an overwhelming speech of where America was and where it's going. Although it was a bit of a history lesson, the point was well grasped.
This convention is giving Joe Biden a new look and it makes him more human. This just might be a great opportunity for the Democrats to take back the White House this year.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Convention News!

Well, the Democrats have just completed their second day on the Convention in Denver, CO. This evening, Sen. Hillary Clinton gave a compelling speech explaining that she was behind Barack Obama and that it is imperative that the Democratic Party come together and unify this November to elect Obama as the next President of the United States.
I guess all Americans will see this November how unified the Democrats really are.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A New Day

Well, it seems I was right about Biden. The turnout was grand, the folks loved them. As I said in the beginning...this is an 'interesting' political season. More to come.

Friday, August 22, 2008

And the Winner Is...?!

Joe Biden D-Delaware...there you have it folks...I leaked the news...

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Well, I reckon Obama will announce his choice of Kaine tomorrow. I suspect he'll be a good choice for the Democrat ticket.
We'll just have to wait until next Friday to see who McCain chooses. If he's smart, then he'll choose Huckabee...long shot though...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Good evening!

Hi there folks! This is my first ever blog posting. I am new at this, and I am sure it will take some getting used to! I hope you guys enjoy!
