Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And They Said This Day Would Never Come

Tonight, America has elected its first ever African American as President of the United States of America.

President Barack Obama.


Joseph said...

Yes, and that is true, but we know that the child's race is based on the Father's race.
Either way, it's much more significant than that. The only thing that you, myself and many other Americans see is that Barack Obama is a black man, and no amount of gibber-gabber is going to change it.

The Boyd Family said...

i claim as neither! haha...red nor blue have ever been one of my favorite colors. plus i didnt vote, so either way who ever won, my life was going to be wayyyyy influenced. SOoooooooooooooooo........ hows life with both of you guys?? ha!

Kanani said...

Yessir, we have a BLACK president. Today is a good day to be an American!

Joseph said...

Yea, I don't like losers...they stink and the smell up all of the winners.
For that parent who was asked the question by her child, "who won?" She said no one "won" but that both were winners.
That's why are children are weak and not performing the way they should.

The Boyd Family said...

winners, losers.. those two candidates had totally opposite plans, views, and opinions, and for Americans that didn't get their "pick" they are T'od. Im with kev...bad sports about it all, really. As I said in the beginning..I just hope this "change" is a for the good for us<, as a military family.

Joseph said...

Good for ALL families.

Kevin said...

America has always come out ahead at watershed moments, and I don't think this one will be any different. Obama isn't suddenly going to institute any ridiculous left-wing agenda and no one with any sense even believes that. Now if the US Congress would actually get their shit together maybe we'll get back on track.

The Boyd Family said...

lol... perfectly put kev.

Ike's Blog...Expect Randomness! said...

That's just it...many people except this miracle to happen now that Obama is President...Well will be President in January. Since he is President, I hope he does a good job...but hell we need to stop w/all these damn bail outs. For real! Why am I paying off my own debt with tax money...makes no sense...The sad part is it is not paying off my debt.