Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Now the Work Really Begins

After tonight, the Obama Administration will begin to vet and decide who will be in the Cabinet. Will we possibly see Colin Powell in there somewhere...perhaps he'll be vindicated. Of course, I understand that this isn't about that, but the next few weeks sure will be interesting.


Kevin said...

Rahm Emanuel... Looks like Obama is trying to send a message on the Hill.

Joe Scarborough was peeing his pants and crying about this pick as CoS because Rahm is basically the Democratic Tom Delay. Unlike Delay though some people (even Republicans) actually like Rahm.

Anonymous said...

i think the entire nation is eager to see what's around the corner!

although, as i have stated before, that i voted for the republican ticket, no one can say that this was not a huge election with huge outcomes!

so this will be an exciting and interesting next few months (years).

Joseph said...

Yes, of course. From this point on, things possibly couldn't get any worse...at least I pray not.
All in all, Americans did ax exceptional job in electing Barack Obama president.

Ike's Blog...Expect Randomness! said...

We shall see Joseph...

Kevin said...

Am I correct in assuming that people who are scared of an Obama Presidency think the Bush Presidency was "ok" ?

If so you probably shouldn't be allowed to vote because you might be mentally retarded.

The Boyd Family said...

hey call me sometime this week ... ok?

Joseph said...

This venue is for political rants and raves, not "call me" messages.