Wednesday, December 10, 2008

John McCain: Fall Guy

I somewhat expected this to happen. After the inevitable defeat of the Republican Party on November 4th, the search would begin for someone to blame.

But John McCain of all people? I keep seeing Republicans throwing McCain under the bus, so to speak, for costing them the election. Joe the Plumber flat out said it, many people say Sarah Palin thinks it, but how could it be that John McCain single handedly lost the election?

The Republican voters nominated him, the delegates at the convention set the Republican Party Platform (a giant sack of FAIL) on which he ran, and then meatheads like Joe Wurzelbacher ran around shouting McCain's praises from the mountain tops like he was the second coming of Reagan. Now in defeat, McCain is worse than scum to Republican blowhards. If this line of thinking carries through to 2010, 2012, and beyond, the Republican Party will never win another national election.

I close with a letter from the electorate:

Dear Republicans,

We hate your ideas.



Joseph said...

Hear hear!!! Yeh, well, picking Palin when he did was kinda like him picking, ah, someone who lacks the mental capacity to think and reason on their feet. Oh wait, he did!

Kevin said...

The Republican Party is a party without ideas. The GOP doesn't even adhere to the ideology that the party represents (i.e. conservativism)

One of the most common criticisms of the Democratic Party is in regard to its disunity, it is a large coalition representing various ideals. But by and large it is impossible for the DNC to stray from those many ideals and try to be something that it's not (Though they foolishly flirted with this after 2004 chasing the "values" voters)

That's exactly what the Republican Party is trying to do with this bizarro "conservative populism" crap and it won't work. McCain isn't the reason the Republican Party sucks, he's just a symptom.

Kevin said...

Son you need to put this thing out to pasture... languishin'!