Sunday, October 26, 2008

9 Days Left

With 9 days left in the presidential campaign, things are surely to get more and more interesting. From Palin's wardrobe and her "rougeness" things are really starting to shake, rattle and roll. Hitting the latter point, as my colleague pointing to in earlier editions, it really does seem that McCain isn't in charge of his own campaign. Here is what a McCain staffer had to say:

"She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone"

I don't know who Palin is getting her 'advice' from, but we will see in roughly a week and a half whether or not it pays off.


Kevin said...

In my humble opinion, Palin is largely the reason for the McCain campaign going off a cliff. However ultimately the blame falls on McCain since his name is at the top of the ticket. If he let someone push that VP pick on him and now regrets it, well tough shit. Too weak to run a campaign, too weak to be President.

Remember how happy he was when he thought he finally struck gold? Yeah where is that "bounce" now old man?

Joseph said...

I agree. I don't want a weakling leading me and the country I love. I saw some articles about how Palin basically wanted to be on the ticket. Heh, 2012...right...not in this lifetime.

Kanani said...

We are so blessed that McCain didn't pick someone that might actually know a few of the constitutional amendments, or understand that being the closes state to Russia doesn't constitute foreign policy experience, or could possibly answer a question directly with confidence.

pheeeewwww...That Palin sure is a doozy to the McCain campaign.
