Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Debate

Tonight’s debate between Sen. Joseph Biden and Gov. Sarah Palin was anything but. The structure and content focus of the debate was fine, but the responses by Palin were anything but direct. Overall, Joe Biden won this debate hands down. He was strong on foreign policy, with respect to Iraq and Afghanistan and he was strong when it came to the one social issue that was touched upon.


Kevin said...

The good news: It looks like Palin was successfully reprogrammed.

The bad news: She went from DOS to Windows 95.

Ike's Blog...Expect Randomness! said...

What are you talking about...
Palin did a really good job. She stayed focused and of course there was not editing of tape so we got to hear the real deal. You are nuts to think that the Democrats have this race cornered by any means.

Joseph said...

Yes, but to what good? She looked really stiff while she was up there speaking. It was horrible. When I was a judge, I saw better debating from the students!

Joseph said...

I would like to know what news stations and what data you're reading, Willis? The polls clearly indicate that Obama has the lead in most national polls. As the Bush administration said, this is a "slam dunk!'

Kevin said...


McCain is going to crash and burn for the 6th time in his career.

Kanani said...

I heard some pundits saying that Palin was a good debater. What the Hell?! Since when does not answering the moderator's questions because they are not convenient to your point make you great debater. I 've seen people go around questions, but blatantly say that she is not going to answer them directly is completely idiotic.

I loved all the pauses and looks of discombobulation when asked to rebuttal after all of Biden's points.

Is America really comfortable with this woman being one heartbeat away from the office. Especially with the "maverick's" age consideration.

Moderator: "Sarah, explain your opinion on the economic crisis"
Palin" "Well, oil this, and oil that..."

Moderator: "Sarah, give us your view on Iran getting nukes"
Palin: "Well, in alaska, we have oil...and I did this with oil".

Kevin said...

That's sexist!

Ike's Blog...Expect Randomness! said...

Too bad she really did not answer her questions like that. Goodness. She did answer about Iran and Nucs with something that had to do with Iran...not about Oil. It depends on what polls you are looking at and who is actualyl taking a poll. I have not been asked to answer a maybe it is not that good of a poll. A poll is a poll and that is all it is. Just like the NCAA Football poll. It never ends like it predicts. Alls I can say is we will see...Exactly a little over am month from today.

Joseph said...

Let me get this straight, if you're not asked or called to participate in a poll, then the poll that was taken is invalid, therefore, null and void? Is that what I am hearing from you?
You do know that polls are just a sampling from a certain group of people, right? That doesn't mean they're going to poll all 305million Americans at once.

Kevin said...

November 4th, Republican Party is crushed, it's a done deal. I don't need polls to tell me that, I just need to look at the candidates' organization on the ground. McCain has none. No one save for the foaming lunatics are even interested in his campaign at this point.

But if you want to look at polls, those are nice too.